Cork and I thoroughly enjoyed our second Christmas with the girls. Our plan was to open presents with them when the girls grandparents got here. The girls just couldn't wait that long. Eiley was up first and we managed to keep her out of the family room for a short time. She and I destroyed the counters/cooked breakfast. We made a yummy oven pancake.

I couldn't keep her distracted forever and she eventually ripped open a present.

Once Arya was up, it all went downhill. We fed them breakfast and gave them a shower to try to keep them occupied, but by 9:00 there was no stopping them. By that time, we'd already re-taped wrapping paper on some packages and others had wholes torn in them. Once we let them go at the gifts, there was no holding them back.

They got to open gifts when each set of grandparents arrived and then again at the end of the day when their uncle let them unwrap a gift for him. I think unwrapping in stages was the best thing for them because they never lost interest and were just as enthusiastic with the last gift as they were with the first gift. I think the Sing a ma jigs (sp?) that they got may have been their favorite presents. They both decided to sing along with the toys with no prompting from us.

Nana made these beautiful coats for both girls. The lighting is bad, so you can't tell that the flowers are pink and the coat is purple. They both showed off the coats and were so excited about them.

Another favorite toy was their tricycles. They can't quite reach the pedals, but love being pushed and climb on and off them over and over.

Both girls ended their day with a cookie....or maybe a few cookies. I'm honestly not sure who was feeding them what. I know I gave them each a cookie and they both happily climbed into a chair to eat it. Besides the cookies, I think their other favorite food of the day was M&Ms. They got mini M&Ms that are perfect baby size candy. Arya was trying to say M&M and it came out like "num num".