Welcome to the Roe household blog. We're attempting to post 365 days of pictures in a Roe. Cork and I have been married since 2002 and welcomed identical daughters in August of 2009 after a struggle with infertility. Our girls were definitely worth the wait and I say they were destined to be here because they were conceived on my birthday, due on my sister's birthday and born on my grandma's birthday. What are the chances of that! We welcomed our third daughter in June of 2012. We all fell in love with her right away. She has two amazing older sisters who love to watch over her.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Shenanigans

We took the kiddos to a Memorial Day parade this morning. They had a good time, but were exhausted before it ended. We left the parade and got them some ice cream. They sat and ate their ice cream as we enjoyed an adult beverage. During the parade, Eiley's chair flipped over and she fell into a metal pole. I picked her up and comforted her, but didn't think she was hurt because she barely hit the pole. Later, I noticed that she had burn marks on her face. I feel horrible because the pole must have been hot and we didn't realize it at the time, so no one put cold water on her face. 

After a much needed nap, the kids played in the pool Cork had set up for them. I think he thought they would put their feet in because it was a little cool. Before long, both kids were all the way in the pool. They had a ball and we had so much fun watching them.

We cooked out for dinner and had grilled pineapple with Nutella for dessert. Arya thoroughly enjoyed this, as you can see. I'm not sure if she got more Nutella in her mouth or on her face.

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