Bye bye hair. I decided yesterday that it was time to say goodbye to a bunch of my hair. It's thinned out so much since I had Zia. I feel like I can cut it short right now without getting too much body since it's thinner than normal. I love it so far, but it needs some touch up. I left the front longer than the back since the front curls more. I left it a bit too long. It's also a tiny bit lopsided. I would have trimmed that up, but the older 2 were having a very 3 year old day today and I wasn't sure any of us would make it to the end of the day if I took more time to finish my hair. I'll fix it this weekend. Yes, I keep saying "I", because I chopped it myself. I don't know if I'm brave or stupid, but I pretty much always cut my own hair now. It's pretty forgiving since it curls and you can't tell if it's straight. It also looks exactly the same if it's thinned out, layered etc. So, I can't justify paying someone $50 to do exactly what I can do myself.

Arya versus broccoli soup and a watermelon popsicle. I think the food won.
Ha. I got good use out of the hair I cut.
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