I was sitting on the couch today with the girls after their nap. I told them we needed to get their socks so we could go to the library. Eiley jumped off my lap and went to get her socks. Instead, she came back with her shoes. I told her we needed her socks before we could put on her shoes, so she went in search for her socks. Arya was very content to stay on my lap and let Eiley find the shoes and socks for her. She was all cuddled in and comfortable holding her blanket. She suddenly lifted her head and said "Elmo". I asked her "What about Elmo?" She said "I-E Elmo" and about 2 seconds later Eiley walked into the room carrying her Elmo doll. There is no way Arya could have seen Eiley before me. Somehow she knew that Eiley had found their Elmo doll and was bringing it to her. Weird.
Woah! That is freaky!!