Welcome to the Roe household blog. We're attempting to post 365 days of pictures in a Roe. Cork and I have been married since 2002 and welcomed identical daughters in August of 2009 after a struggle with infertility. Our girls were definitely worth the wait and I say they were destined to be here because they were conceived on my birthday, due on my sister's birthday and born on my grandma's birthday. What are the chances of that! We welcomed our third daughter in June of 2012. We all fell in love with her right away. She has two amazing older sisters who love to watch over her.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mad Hatter

I think I may have put a few too many things on the girls' heads over the last couple months. I was trying to get them to stack blocks today and instead, Eiley kept putting the blocks on her head. She was putting all sorts of other toys up there during a play group this morning as well. My little genius.

On a side note: I mixed up the kids last night. Cork asked who was who and I wasn't really paying attention. We put helmets on them and then held them to calm them down for bed. A few minutes later the one I was holding looked up at me and I instantly knew it was Arya and not Eiley as I had thought. I cracked up, which made her smile huge and the number of teeth confirmed it.

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