Welcome to the Roe household blog. We're attempting to post 365 days of pictures in a Roe. Cork and I have been married since 2002 and welcomed identical daughters in August of 2009 after a struggle with infertility. Our girls were definitely worth the wait and I say they were destined to be here because they were conceived on my birthday, due on my sister's birthday and born on my grandma's birthday. What are the chances of that! We welcomed our third daughter in June of 2012. We all fell in love with her right away. She has two amazing older sisters who love to watch over her.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Survivor: Roe Island

Happy Birthday to my two favorite daughters.

We survived our first year. Woot! The first few months were crazy and I can't imagine how we would have done it without the help of family. The next few months were crazy, but we were able to do it on our own. I wasn't looking forward to mobility, but honestly, things go so much easier once the kids figured out how to move on their own. I have to chase after them, but there is a lot less screaming now that they can go where they want and entertain themselves and each other. This has been the hardest and best year of our lives. I know that just about every child goes through the same stages in their first year, but it's still been amazing and so much fun to watch them change and bloom into individuals.

Arya was born at 6:04 pm. She was pulled out screaming and had a little paralysis on the right side of her face from being so compressed in the womb. She's still my little face maker today. She's quick to smile and easily laughs.

Eiley was born at 6:05 pm. She was much quieter at birth. She took a breath and then needed coaxing from the nurses to take another. She still won't do anything she doesn't want to do. She has a little temper and really lets us know when she wants or doesn't want something.

I was baking today, getting ready for their birthday party which is tomorrow. Chocolate must have fallen out of the cupboard and I didn't notice it. I did notice when Eiley had been awfully quiet for a few minutes. I peeked around the kitchen counter to find her thoroughly enjoying a block of Trader Joe's dark chocolate. Temper tantrums and a love of dark chocolate...she really is my child.

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