Welcome to the Roe household blog. We're attempting to post 365 days of pictures in a Roe. Cork and I have been married since 2002 and welcomed identical daughters in August of 2009 after a struggle with infertility. Our girls were definitely worth the wait and I say they were destined to be here because they were conceived on my birthday, due on my sister's birthday and born on my grandma's birthday. What are the chances of that! We welcomed our third daughter in June of 2012. We all fell in love with her right away. She has two amazing older sisters who love to watch over her.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Early Wakings

As the kids get older, I know we're going to have to be more creative with April. For now, they are just super excited to see where she is each morning. This morning she had ridden down the stairs in the toilet paper tube. Eiley then crammed her into a lego circus trailer. They are waking up earlier than normal every morning to go find April.

Zia did her first Home Depot class today. Her attention span did not let her finish the project, but she loved it while she was doing it.

We went to a Christmas Market today out in Oconomowoc. The girls had a great time. Arya and Eiley both kept asking to go back.

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