Welcome to the Roe household blog. We're attempting to post 365 days of pictures in a Roe. Cork and I have been married since 2002 and welcomed identical daughters in August of 2009 after a struggle with infertility. Our girls were definitely worth the wait and I say they were destined to be here because they were conceived on my birthday, due on my sister's birthday and born on my grandma's birthday. What are the chances of that! We welcomed our third daughter in June of 2012. We all fell in love with her right away. She has two amazing older sisters who love to watch over her.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Half Pint

Arya is my eater. While she weighs less than Eiley, and always has, she packs in more solid food every day than Eiley. It amazes me how much she can eat compared to Eiley and still be smaller. Not only does she eat a lot, she eats just about everything. She wasn't too sure about mango the first time she had that, but loved it the second time. Yesterday, we were cooking out and sauerkraut was on the menu. I gave both kids a taste of it. Eiley gave the typical reaction you'd expect a baby to give. I wouldn't say Arya loved it, but she didn't make a face and didn't spit it out. She wanted to keep tasting it over and over. She looked intrigued by the taste. She loves goat cheese, but did not appreciate the plain goat yogurt I bought for her yesterday. We'll give it another try today. I tasted it and it's really good! I don't know why she would like the cheese and not the yogurt since the yogurt had a much milder taste. Who knows, maybe it wasn't strong enough for her.

Because of yesterday's food adventures, I decided to give her a pickle to suck on today. Yet again she loved the odd food. I ended up giving her little pieces of it so she could eat them since she liked it so much.

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